QUESTION: How can you eat obscene amounts of cake without feeling guilty?
ANSWER: Do it for charity!
On Monday the 28th of September we hosted a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Yes, we were a few days late, but the wet and windy weather (cheese) twisted our plans and would’ve resulted in some terribly soggy bottoms!
So, on Monday we said let’s (sausage) roll, and used flour power to bake things even Mary Berry would be proud of. Muffin was going to stop us this time! We whipped it good, our straws were cheesy, and our sausages were rolled! The smart cookies in Needham popped by for a coffee and some cake, and in total we raised £321.68 – which is a flantastic amount of dough.
Thanks to everyone who helped us bake things, and to those who helped us eat them! We’re going to cake it easy until our next fundraising event!